Thursday, June 7, 2007

Last words

So this is my final blog post for New Com Tech, unless I'm more of a douchebag that I previously appreciated and I'm missing something more on the important side of criteria. >_>

My task today is to summarize this course and the time I've spent in it, and feign that I was paying attention and learned a whole heap of stuff.

But seriously, as far as first semester uni goes I'm pointing and mocking every poor soul who took psychology instead of a course like this. I've had Creative Arts Practice (where I met and maintained a good roll call of friends and foes whom I respect), Effective Writing with their 'effective' three-words-for-every-three-lines-per power point presentations, and New Com Tech.

I've experienced entirely different things in each of the courses. I've experienced painstaking boredom in my EW lectures but found a lot of inspiration in the work shopping we did in tutorials. I found CAPRA to be filled with peers and even a few tutors and lecturers who I respected and enjoyed my time with. And New Com Tech provided me with the hardcore information side of my first semester of Uni. No discredit to my other subjects, but New Com Tech was the only subject that I found I was surprised with the content being so bloody interesting. Everything from the Turing test to the blogging was an enriching experience. I found I had a competent tutor who I got along well with (not pointing any fingers ---ADAM--- >_>) and a lecturer who -really- knew his shit.

Seriously. There's nothing worse than sitting through a two hour lecture with some lecturer who's just reading off his powerpoint. Steve really went into the nitty gritty info on all the content in the lectures, and then when I went along to my tutes the same afternoon my tutor (not poiningt any fingers ---ADAM--- >_>) knew what Steve had lectured about and could correspond with us feeble students and satisfy our curiosities. Fucking brilliant!

The only places where I'd take marks away was when we had those PR girls come along and give us a 'surprise' seminar on the wonderful world of PR. What a colossal waste of time for -anyone- who wasn't doing journalism. As a BA enthusiast I'd like to think I was referring to the majority of the class just then. >_>

All in all, I was very content and satisfied with the course and its content. The help was well-informed and extensive, and my tutor (not pointing any fingers ---ADAM--- >_>) had a wicked beard. Facial-hair enthusiasts unite!

That's all, thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure. Oh, and Mr. Muir, don't forget to email me some feedback for my essay.


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