Thursday, March 8, 2007

Dear god, I'm blogging.

I'm taking a Hunter S. Thompson approach this this whole blogging concept. And no, that doesn't entail copious drug consumption and inventing a new form of journalism. It's more a reflection of the fact that I, considering myself a pseudo-intellectual, hyper-creative sociopath, am currently writing my first 'blog' in history. Considering I'm a person who generally despises the idea of creating and maintaining a journal of any kind, I've found the first few overtly-descriptive sentences to be more stimulating than previously anticipated. Still - Dear god, I'm blogging.

This, of course, is my New Communications and Technologies student blog for the duration of (at least) this semester.

So welcome, I hope you enjoy the ridiculous ranting of my train of thought. Now that I'm thinking creatively, aptly tilting my head to the side as I listen to my tutor Adam (yes Adam, that's you) with my eyes roaming between my classmates, the -almost- closed door and the tutor, typing this here blog, I wonder actually how many job possibilities there are for someone like myself who can type without looking at neither the keyboard or the screen. I realise that touch-typing is becoming somewhat of a commodity with this new and hip upcoming generation, but how many of them can look around the room, listen to a few words of wisdom from a potential distraction and continue trying their train of thought with no more than a few, uncommon typo's and spelling mistakes?

I ask you, dear, loyal reader, is there a place for me out there?


I suppose I'll have to flush my childhood dreams of being a typist. Shit.

I've decided to post a different movie quote every time I 'blog' as they undoubtedly say, for you enthusiastic readers keen to reply. Considering I'll probably only be giving this blog address to my tutor he'll probably be the only one, if anyone, to try and answer the trivia.

The first quote is as follows: 'Thought I'd never call?"

Yes, it's a recent movie, and to anyone who can guess it off the top of their head, bite me. I'll make it more challenging next time.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I feel thick. I've got no idea what the quote is >_>