Communication - How I fucking wish I had a phone, and far more importantly, a funky psychedelic -blue- phone. Being homesick -does- include missing having a hard line. I figure when I get home I'll just be dying to call someone. Does that make me pathetic? Of course, there is a myriad of other activities I'm doing to abuse once I get home. Sleeping in my comfortable, -double- bed in an air conditioned room.
Working however, I won't be looking forward to. The notion here is I've been experiencing a completely different kind of communication for the last six months. I've been very net-based (not a surprise really) and the only other technological communication I've has been over the mobile.
Strange then that I decided to interperate communication as a technological thing, then?

I'm rather proud of this little abomination. It as printed in it's full quality on glossy, photo paper and it looks fantastic and all of that wonderful stuff, and I can't help but feel its going to get slashed to ribbons.
It might have something to do with the fact that I parody the academic staff for the very subject.
Just maybe.

Australian - this once was the image of a cork, which is a rather fantastic looking little creation now. This is a direct reference to the whole corks that typically dangle from pieces of twine from the hats of apparently every Australian.
Have you ever worn one of those cork-hat monstrosities? They're fucking ridiculous, and uncomfortable as hell.
Strongly not recommended.

So yes, Timberlake. Take that.
Does that make me petty? I sure hope so. >_>

This here is Loom. Loom was an awesome game made by LucasArts before they were actually -called- LucasArts, and was actually one of the very first video games I'd ever played.
One of the really interesting things about it was there was alot of musical orientation. Your little dude who traveled the depths of what was quite a serious fantasy plot had to use musical notes in conjunction (if I remember correctly) these looms to open up rifts (or close them >_>) in time and space. It was rad.
The image is just a screenshot that I've funkisised a little, giving it a bit of a crazy frame. That's a technical term.'

Well, we can't have them killed, or else no one could star opposite Ben Stillers massive ears in romantic comedies.
What a shame -that- would be.
All I've done to it is apply some filters on duplicated layers, changed the saturation, opacity of certain layers, and layer types. Like for isntance, the grainy cross-hatching is actually an 'overlay' layer. You can do some cool stuff with it.
Anyway, that's it for now.
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